The Community Challengers project emerged in response to the urgent need to confront the global environmental crisis, especially the looming threat of climate change. This urgency has materialized into tangible initiatives such as the European Green Deal, European Youth Strategy, and Sustainable Development Goals, underscoring a collective commitment to combatting climate change on a global scale. Despite these efforts, there remains an acute need for heightened awareness, the cultivation of green skills, and strengthened collaboration across all sectors to effectively reverse the damage inflicted upon our ecosystems.
Thus, the overarching objective of this project was to empower young people, particularly those with fewer opportunities, along with youth workers, to recognize the causes and consequences of climate change and to catalyze action within their communities. Our approach integrated arts, entrepreneurship, and advocacy to inspire and mobilize individuals towards climate-smart, sustainable practices, fostering unity and resilience in the face of environmental challenges.
YEPP EUROPE has been a lead partner in this project which has been funded under Erasmus+ Key Action 2 YOUTH, the project timeline was 01/2021 -12/2022.
- Climate Action
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Advocacy
- Active Citizenship

YEPP Europe
DYPALL Network
Out of the Box International
Hrvatsko Drustvo Likovnih Umjetnika
YEPP Italia
Izgaismo Ideju
To learn more about the project and related topics, explore the following hashtags: #communitychallengers
Visit the Project website