Based on the Council Resolution of 26 November 2018, the EU Youth Strategy is the framework for EU youth policy cooperation for 2019-2027 and is aimed at making the most of youth policy’s potential. It supports social and civic engagement, fosters youth participation in democratic life and its purpose is to ensure that all young people have the necessary resources to take part in society.
The EU Youth Strategy applies a cross-sectorial approach in its implementation and addresses three main areas around three key words: Engage, Connect, Empower.
ENGAGE … stands for fostering the civic, economic, social, cultural and political participation of young people.
The European Commission and Member States are invited to encourage democratic participation of all young people in society and democracy; engage young people and youth organisations as well as other youth related stakeholders in youth policies; support youth representation local, regional and national level; convey and support the EU Youth Dialogue; foster citizenship education and learning strategies; raise interest in participatory actions and helping young people to prepare for participation and support digital democracy tools and other innovative forms of democratic participation.
CONNECT … stands for fostering different forms of mobility for young people in Europe. Connections, relations and exchange of experience are a pivotal asset for solidarity and the future development of the European Union.
The European Commission and Member States are invited to enable access for all young people to cross-border mobility opportunities, including volunteering with special attention to young people with fewer opportunities; foster synergies between EU funding instruments and national, regional and local schemes with regards to the engagement of young people in solidarity; engage young people and youth organisations in the design, implementation and evaluation of relevant EU funding programmes; share best practices and further work on effective systems for validation and recognition of skills and competencies gained through non-formal and informal learning,
EMPOWER … stands for fostering the encouragement of young people to take charge of their own lives in a time where young people face a lot of challenges and in which youth work can act as a catalyst for empowerment.
The European Commission and member states are invited to develop a European Youth Work Agenda; support quality youth work in relation to policies, training, allocation of resources, etc.; support and recognise youth organisation as key players and providers of competence development and social inclusion; support easily accessible youth contact points delivering services and information to young people.
Watch our webinars on the EU Youth Strategy
Introduction to the EU Youth Strategy
Goal For It
Make Things Happen
Meeting the Bosses