Complementing the “YEPP” Concept of Change Entrepreneurship Learning supports the empowerment of young people and the communities they live in. Therefore, Entrepreneurship in communities with fewer opportunities has become one of our priorities. We continuously develop Entrepreneurship Learning programmes for young people with fewer opportunities and youth coaches. In a programme like this, young people learn about how to develop their own entrepreneurial idea; how to market and communicate it; how to make financial planning and fundraising and how to make their ideas a success. Youth coaches learn about the tools to support youth entrepreneurship, how to promote entrepreneurship in their communities and cooperate with other stakeholders in this field.  

Within the framework of the “YEPP” approach and methodology, entrepreneurship is for us a way to empower young people to create sustainable business models that are based on cooperation of local actors, are socially responsible and connect local needs with community resources. To integrate both approaches – “YEPP” and Entrepreneurship – in a beneficial way for the young people and the communities we have created the concept of Community-based Entrepreneurship.
Build Your Future is an Entrepreneurship Learning Programme which was developed and implemented by YEPP Europe and partner organisations in 2015-2017. The project has been implemented by the consortium of nine partners in Croatia, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Slovakia and Spain and was designed to empower young people with fewer opportunities to take an active life position, develop entrepreneurial mind-set and be better prepared for the employment, self-employment or for further education.

Build Your Future was financially supported by the European Commission’s ERASMUS+ Programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships. 

From 2017-2019 YEPP EUROPE also developed a learning programme in community-based entrepreneurship called Welcomeship – Building inclusive communities through community-based entrepreneurship. The overall goal of the project is to develop, implement and test the “Welcomeship” model” – a model of entrepreneurship learning for young people with fewer opportunities, including young migrants and local youth.
Find out more on this website.